30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 16

Prompt: Your views on mainstream music.

In the Mood…

As you guys know from my previous music post, if you regularly keep up with this blog, I love music. Although, the “mainstream” pop-type music isn’t my favorite kind, I do think that different kinds of music have their own time and place.

I have a slight confession to make: I rarely listen to the radio (unless you could a radio hybrid like Pandora, which I don’t because you can shape it how ever you want and skip songs, etc). I have listened to the (real) radio maybe once in the past 2 or 3 months. Why? Frankly, I would rather have some sort of control over the music that I listen to while I sit in traffic or get ready in the morning. Because I don’t listen to the radio, I often hear songs long after they have been out. Example: I heard Willow Smith’s song for the first time a week ago because it was playing at the gym. I know, right?

Now, don’t hate me for this next opinion, but I am not a huge fan of Lady Gaga. Sorry. Sure, she is interesting, and her music, music videos, and outfits are all very original, but it just not my “thing.” However, like I said, I think it all has it’s time and place, and I could definitely see myself dancing/singing at a club (because, you know, I go to clubs so often) to “Poker Face” a la Leslie Knope.

What can I say? I mean, I still have Ultimate Dance Party 1996 on my iPod. I regularly listen to Ella, Frank, and Glenn. I have bought more movie/show soundtracks than regular CDs.

O, and my absolute favorite song of all-time?

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